Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Upcoming seminar on social media in family medicine

For my clinician readers, I'd like to put a plug in for the upcoming annual Northeast meeting of the Family Medicine Education Consortium, taking place at the Coco Key Hotel and Water Resort in Danvers, MA from October 21-23. Please join me and family medicine social media gurus Pat Jonas, MD (who blogs at Dr. Synonymous), Jennifer Middleton, MD (who blogs at The Singing Pen of Dr. Jen), and Michael Smith, MS (Associate Director of Admissions at the UMass Worcester/Fitchburg Family Medicine Residencies) for a "nuts and bolts" seminar and interactive exercises on the uses of social media in medical education, practice, and policy. Here is the seminar description:

Social Media Nuts and Bolts: For Geeks to Geezers

A panel of family medicine educators will review their strategies for starting out and continuing use of several types of social media. Comments will include how they use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging, YouTube, and BlogTalk Radio in their teaching, research, practice and administrative activities. Presenters will engage the attendees as they reveal how medical students, residents, faculty, their residency program/department, and patients benefited from their social media use. Exercises for attendees will include using Facebook, starting and using Twitter or LinkedIn, and searching for blogs to hone their skills and insights.

Hope to see you there!

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